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Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Day Forty-five

Went on my fairly usual off-road loop today. It was chilly but mainly dry, just as dry as summer. So, why did my chain pick today to jam and snap? Arse - never mind, fixed it up with my cheapo chain tool from Carrefour (the best Ive ever had).

I've got a new wheel winging it's way to me too. My 10 year old rear hub needs replacing so, I managed to pick up HOPE PRO II built with a decent rim for a good price via Sinletrackworld. Only problem is that it's blue, I'll have to get a new front one sometime so they match.

You may have noticed Ive updated the last week or so of blog in one go, just reflects my bike riding this week has been dull and just done in between other things.

Day forty-four

Just a spin into work and back today.

It's gone very very cold.

Day forty-three

Went "walking" in Orduna so only had time for a blast round the block before setting off.

Day forty-two

Saturday - hurrah. Went for a decent mountain bike ride alon the coast to give my new forks a decent test.
I'm impressed with them, no clunking, quick rebound, not noticeably heavier, well worth the money.

Day Forty-one

Busy today, writing exams so only rode into work and back (twice)

Day Forty

Hurrah - got my mountain bike back today. Only had time for a quick play on it before work though.

Day thirty-nine

Didnt expect my mtb to be ready so went for a proper spin to the coast on the road bike.

Day thirty-eight

Expected my mountain bike to be ready today, but it wasnt so had to go for a quick road night ride.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Day thirty-seven

Didnt have the time or energy today for a proper ride, just a quick spin round the block. Still manaed to puncture again. Obviously something sharp hiding in my tyre. Anyway, I should have the mountain bike back tomorrow, please Mr bikeshopman have my bike ready.

Weather - beautiful sunny day again

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Day Thirty-six

Bit of an arse of a ride today. Lovely weather, Sunderland get a jammy draw against the mags, so great idea to head out for a leisurely spin. Got a puncture, not a big deal, just stick a new tube in, the valve breaks - arse, oh well do the old-fashioned thing and repair the old tube, patch sticks nicely, put tbe back in, valve/tube junction tears - double arse. Oh well, I was only 200m from the metro, so didnt have to do too much walking to get home.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Day thirty-five

A really good ride today, a plod over to Gernika and back. 75km and 1100m of climbing, not bad on a singlespeed I reckon. This area (Uribe / Urdaibai) is great for road cycling, lots of nice roads going through cute villages and past impressive Caserios. The hills are big enough to be hard work without things jst becoing a slog and there's lots of different ways to link up the roads to keep things varied.

It was a glorious day today, sunny, warm only a slight breeze, there were loads of cylicsts out, I saw at least 150 out there, including a few teams with support cars.

Wish I had my mtb back though.

Oh, and "Aupa" to the cute blonde who overtook me near Butron.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Day thirty four

I was in work all day today and my mountain bike is in the shop. So, it was a night road ride tonight. Not something I've done before but it was good, might do it more regularly.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Day thirty-three

Rode into Bilbao today. Along the river, felt a lot harder than usual as there was a strong wind against me. It's not really a nice ride as there isnt a bike lane until you are nearly in Bilbao, the rest of the time it's a busy, narrow road full of idiots. But, it's always nice when you go round a corner and see the Guggenheilm, especially on a sunny day like today where the light bounces off the titanium skin.

Weather - Warm, windy and sunny (pity that doesnt begin with "w")

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Day Thirty-two

A local road ride today, out to Plentzia then the decent climb up to Umbe, then back down to Berango.

Received a parcel from today. Some new shorts, 3/4 length. They recently got a 10/10 rating in MBR. Fully deserved too, they are already my favourite shorts, comfy as anything even on my razor-like road saddle.  Today was quite nice so cant really comment on their thermal qualities but they feel nice and cosy.

Weather - started rubbish then brightened up.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Day thirty-one

Just a quick mountain bike ride via the jetwash. Bike goes into the shop for new forks, hub service and fix up the front wheel. It'll have a big 180mm disk too, a conseqence of going from an IS mount fork to a PM fork. How come IS doesnt actually seem to be an International standard?

Weather - windy, windy, windy

Monday, 10 January 2011

Day thirty

Just a quick spin into work and back to plan my classes for today. Back to school after 2 and a half weeks, I'm not looking forward to it.

Weather - sunny -

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Day twenty-nine

Quick off road along the coast. Start work again tomorrow - Boo

Weather - chiily, overcast

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Day twenty-eight

Today a decent off-road ride. Linked up two of my usual local routes, quite a bit of climbing.

Weather - dry, overcast, warm

Friday, 7 January 2011

Day twenty-seven

Hooray!!! my new forks arrived today, I'll get them fitted next week.

Today a ride along the coastal track, great day today, sunny, warm, dry. It's great riding in shorts on dry tracks, long may it continue.

Day twenty-six

January 6th is Xmas day here, the day the 3 kings give presents to the good girls and boys. So, for us it was a good excuse to have Xmas dinner again. Manage to squeeze a little ride around the block in between glasses of wine and mountains of food.

Merry Christmas again!!!!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Day twenty-five

One quarter of the way....

Today, I little explore on some of the off-road tracks locally that I havent tried before. Didnt find anything special but did find a nice long climb/trail that doesnt seem to suffer from mud, it connects to the GR99 which has some nice singletrack on it, so that's nice.

Weather - warm and damp

The white thing is the airport.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day twenty-four

Felt better today, so a proper ride. Did a nice little ride up to the coast on the road bike. Went via where a friend is moving to, looks very nice, great views and nice restaurant at the end of the street.

Weather - Damp

Day twenty-three

Today I was pathetic, had mancold, felt yuk. Still went on my bike, a little ride around the yard. I dont care how short it was, I'm counting it.

Weather - unimportant.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Day twenty-two

I've got a cold, it's trying to stop me riding but I nipped out while it wasnt looking. Fortunately I managed to start the day with a Tortilla, so felt full of energy. Just a standard road loop round the local area, unfortunately I was daydreaing a bit and rode into a lamp-post. Managed to rip my 10 year old gloves and bend my little finger - doh.

Weather - gone horrible again.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Day Twenty-one

Woke this morning feeling little heavy-headed, drnking brandy, red wine and port was probably the reason. So, decided to stroll into the village for a coffee and tortilla, but horror!!! nothing was open, and I mean nothing, not even a baker, this is the quietest I've ever known a Spanish town to be. Deflated, I sluched home.

Made myself some breakfast and then headed out on the Kona for a ride round the coast. There were loads of people out walking and cycling, enjoying the sunshine. It's like spring here at the moment.

It's traditional to make resolutions for the coming year. For me, I need to travel more to go biking, I hate driving though. Gotta be braver.

Day Twenty

I was all set to see out the old year with a long ride. Had everything prepared, sandwich, bike in the boot, stuff ready to make a flask of coffee. Then I wake up with a cold - dammit. Hung around at home all day, drank lots of coffee, got bored, went for night ride which ended on top of a hill near home to see the new year in. It was a great place to watch the fireworks and have a nip of brandy.

Happy New Year everyone!!!